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Internet Etiquettes (Do's and Don'ts)

                             Internet Etiquettes

Do's and Don'ts of Social Networking (Facebook)


  • You should remember that your email messages can be added to your life.
  • Choose an easy to remember e-mail address.  You may use your name or your birthday. Well, its up to you as long as you will not forget it.
  • Give your full name, address, phone number if you want.
  • Spell check your e-mail, and use appropraite punctation.
  • Use some salutations, like e.g., Dear Admissions Officer.
  • Be as polite and respectful in an e-mail as you will do in face-to-face conversation or in phones.
  • Use the “reply with history” function to help the schools to remember the questions that you've ask in previous e-mails.
  • Monitor what is posted on your social networking Web sites (Facebook) to ensure that photos and documents are polite and respectful.  


  • Don’t use all the lowercase or all uppercase letters in an e-mail.  Lowercase is difficult to read, and uppercase feels as if you are nagging or SHOUTING.
  • Don’t use “IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!” or “Please read” as subjects for your e-mail.  
  • Don’t post inappropriate or offensive messages about anything that might cause you in trouble.

Do's and Don'ts of Social Networking (Blogs)


  • DO post regularly. You should try to post at least once a day, maybe even more.
  • DO tell people you are blogging. Even if you have been blogging for a while, let these people know about your site, as they may become your biggest fans.
  • DO comment on your comments. If you don’t comment, they will feel ignored and may stop visiting.
  • DO subscribe to your own blog. You need to know what your readers see through their RSS feeds. If something is difficult to read, you will know before your readers start running away.


  • DON’T forget share and social media buttons. This blogging tip is a big one. Without these you are severely limiting your blogs potential and drastically cutting down on the amount of people who will be exposed to your amazing work.
  • DON’T put a ton of ads on your blog. Your visitors don’t like ads, and if there are too many, they won’t click on any of them because they won’t come back. Put up a few pertinent, discretely placed ads to have readers and income potential.
  • DON’T have music or video autoplay on your blog. Even if the aforementioned scenario doesn’t play out, music and other audio like this is annoying.
  • DON’T post just for posting’s sake. Your readers may not appreciate a scattered blog with off-message content and may stop visiting.
  • DON’T use spammy methods to get visitors and readers to your site. Your blog could end up with a bad name, and you could even get it blacklisted from search sites. Shoooot!!
  • DON’T use spammy methods to get visitors and readers to your site. If you do things that are funky, fishy and maybe a bit spammy, you won’t get off to a good start. Your blog could end up with a bad name, and you could even get it blacklisted from search sites. Ouch!

Do's and Don'ts of Social Networking (E-mail)

  1. Do not treat an e-mail like a conversation. 
  2. Keep messages short. A good e-mail should take only 15-30 seconds to read and absorb. 
  3. Establish the right tone upfront. E-mail messages have a momentum. 
  4. Remember the permanent nature of e-mails. Using e-mail to praise helps people remember the kind words.
  5. Keep your objective in mind.
  6. Do not write notes when you are not yourself.
  7. Do not take the bait. Simply do not respond to edgy e-mails in kind. Change the venue to be more effective.
  8. Be careful with use of pronouns in e-mail. Pronouns establish the tone. 
  9. Avoid using “absolutes.” Avoid words such as: never, always, impossible, or cannot. 
  10. Avoid sarcasm. Humor at the expense of another person in an e-mail will come back to haunt you.
  11. Learn techniques to keep your inbox clean (down to zero notes each day) so you are highly responsive when needed. 
  12. Understand the rules for writing challenging notes so you always get the result you want rather than create a need for damage control.

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