Why BLOG??
Why blog is important to College Students??
Between classes, internships, part-time jobs, and university organizations, it seems college students these days are trying to do all they can to get ahead. Recognizing the scarcity of jobs that awaits them in the "real world," they strive to do what they can to better market themselves. Obviously, this is great, but there is one avenue only some are utilizing to promote themselves the BLOG. It can help us, REALLY? :)
Given the always evolving digital world we live in promoting one's self online should be a no-brainer. Sure, there are the conventional options such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, but taking the time to develop and maintain a blog can do much more than these simple profiles. As of today many of the students starts using blog as part of them.
In addition to that, blogging regularly has other benefits such as imparting invaluable skills and habits in those that do it.
At the end of the day, my only question to those not blogging is why not? It only takes little to no time and, although some may argue and worry it will get lost in the sea of other online options, you'll never truly know until you try. You owe it to yourself. :)
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